TikTok now has an Ads Manager!

It looks awfully similar to Facebook Ads Manager, but we’re not mad about it.

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TikTok have taken the next step in their journey to becoming the world’s biggest social media powerhouse. They’ve released an easy-to-use Ads Manager tool that any business, small or large, can set-up and begin using to grow their digital performance. All within a matter of minutes.

From a marketing point-of-view, we’ve been seeing TikTok as an awareness-based platform. It eats reach and impressions for breakfast, and if you can create catchy content, you can quite successfully become a celebrity overnight.

But that could all be changing for marketers.

“Good artists borrow, great artists steal.” - Pablo Picasso

The new TikTok Ads Manager interface looks amazing. They’ve taken the best parts of Facebook Ads Manager and improved the user experience. It’s much less clunky and a little nicer on the eyes.

Setting up campaigns is all too familiar, with an almost identical structure to Facebook. So changing over or adding this to your existing digital marketing mix is not a huge undertaking.

In fact, if you run an ecommerce business we recommend that you set some budget aside to test TikTok for a month or two. Make sure your content is on point, and you experiment with a few different styles of creative and audiences.

We’re not rushing in to say that TikTok Ads Manager will be a conversion machine, as the culture around shopping on TikTok hasn’t quite settled in. We believe it will get there, but there might be a few months of catching up.

The user experience is basically a direct copy from Facebook Ads Manager, but a little bit better. It seems to be much easier to use, a simplified design and they’ve even added their video editing suite to the tool (see final screenshot).

Here’s a couple of screenshots from the new TikTok Ads Manager that look very, very similar to Facebook Ads Manager.


Corporate Wellness